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Athlete Performance Testing: The Ultimate Guide to Tracking and Improving Performance

Athlete Performance Testing: The Ultimate Guide to Tracking and Improving Performance

January 03, 20236 min read

Here Is Why Athlete Performance Testing Could Be The Key To Finding The Answers To Elite Athleticism

If you’re an athlete, you know that improving your performance is all about constant learning and progress. That’s where athlete performance testing comes in – it’s a way to systematically collect and analyse data related to your physical, technical, tactical, and psychological performance, so you can gain valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses, set more targeted and effective goals, and optimize your training and practice.

Benefits of Performance Testing for Athletes

For athletes, one of the best assets you can include in your training arsenal is regular performance testing. Here is why:

  • Help you set and track specific, achievable goals to stay motivated and focused.

  • Identify areas where your training or practice may need to be more practical, so you can make adjustments and get the most out of your time.

  • Help you and your coach figure out where you excel and where you need to work on things, so you can tailor your training and practice accordingly.

  • Catch potential injuries early on, so you can take preventative measures and stay healthy.

Types of Data to Collect and Analyse in Athlete Performance Testing

There are several types of data you can collect and analyse to improve your performance:

  1. Physical data: This includes metrics like speed, strength, endurance, and power. By tracking this data, you and your coach can identify areas where you might be lagging, and come up with targeted training plans to address those weaknesses. This forms the core of most athletic testing experiences.

  2. Technical data: This is all about your form, technique, and execution. By analysing technical data, you and your coach can spot flaws in your technique and work on improving your skills.

  3. Tactical data: This includes metrics related to your decision-making and positioning on the field. By tracking and analysing tactical data, you and your coach can identify areas where your tactical awareness could use some improvement, and develop strategies to enhance your performance in those areas.

  4. Psychological data: This includes metrics like motivation, confidence, focus, and mental toughness. By tracking and analysing psychological data, you and your coach can identify areas where you might be struggling mentally, and come up with strategies to improve your mental performance.

The Role Of Athlete Performance Testing In Talent Identification

Performance testing is a really useful tool when it comes to identifying and selecting talented athletes. By collecting and analysing data on things like an athlete’s physical abilities, technical skills, tactical awareness, and psychological state, coaches and scouts can get a better understanding of which athletes have the potential to excel in their sport.

Performance testing can help identify athletes who might not have been noticed using traditional scouting methods, and can make it easier for coaches and scouts to make informed decisions about who to recruit or draft. 

Plus, performance testing can also help identify athletes who might be at risk of injury or burnout, allowing coaches and scouts to take a proactive approach to player development. All in all, performance testing plays a big role in helping teams find and develop the best talent, and can be a major factor in long-term success.

How To Take Full Advantage of Athlete Performance Testing

There is a big range in quality when it comes to performance testing — some are far more basic than others. If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line experience, here are the types of answers you will want to have by the end of your testing experience:

  • You will know whether there are any mobility or movement deficits that could pose a potential injury risk for you, or, force you to compensate elsewhere.

  • You will know whether you’re a muscular athlete or a tendinous athlete. If you’re the former, you need to work on exercises that improve your springiness; if you’re the latter, you need to have a program that develops your maximal force production. This is determined by assessing something known as your Eccentric Utilisation Ratio, or EUR, for short.

  • You will know if your fitness, or aerobic capacity, is sufficient for your sport, or, if your ability to deliver oxygen to the muscle is holding you back.

  • You will know how much of your available power you can utilise through movement; something commonly called your ‘strength reserve.’

  • Plus, you should receive the direction you need to implement these strategies into your training programs so you can maximise the transfer of your training, to the field of play.


Performance testing is an essential tool for athletes and coaches who are looking to track and improve performance. By systematically collecting and analysing data on an athlete’s physical, technical, tactical, and psychological performance, coaches and athletes can identify areas of strength and weakness, set more targeted and effective goals, and optimize training and practice to improve performance.

Confused about any of the sports science jargon we used in this blog? You might find the FAQ helpful:

Q: What is athlete performance analysis and tracking?

  • Athlete performance analysis and tracking involves collecting and analysing data on an athlete’s physical, technical, tactical, and psychological performance. By tracking this data, athletes and coaches can identify strengths and weaknesses, set targeted goals, and optimize training to improve performance.

Q: Why is performance analysis and tracking important for athletes?

  • Performance analysis and tracking can help athletes set and track specific, achievable goals, identify areas for improvement in training and practice, and identify strengths and weaknesses. It can also help coaches and athletes identify potential injuries early on and take preventative measures.

Q: What types of data can be collected and analyzed in performance analysis and tracking?

  • Physical data (such as speed, strength, endurance, and power), technical data (form, technique, and execution), tactical data (decision-making and positioning), and psychological data (motivation, confidence, focus, and mental toughness) can all be collected and analyzed in performance analysis and tracking.

Q: What tools and techniques can be used to collect and analyse performance data?

  • Wearable technology (fitness trackers and GPS devices), force plates, video analysis software, statistical analysis software, and performance assessment tests are all tools and techniques that can be used to collect and analyse performance data.

Q: What are some best practices for implementing performance analysis and tracking in an athlete's training routine?

  • Some best practices for implementing performance analysis and tracking in an athlete’s training routine include setting clear goals, consistently collecting and analyzing relevant data, using the data to inform training and practice plans, and communicating with coaches and performance professionals.

Q: What is an Eccentric Utilisation Ratio?

  • Eccentric utilization ratio, or EUR, is a measure of the amount of force an athlete produces during an eccentric muscle contraction (when the muscle lengthens while under load) compared to a concentric contraction (when the muscle shortens while under load). A high EUR may indicate that an athlete has good control over their eccentric movements, which can be beneficial for certain sports and activities that involve a lot of deceleration or change of direction. A low EUR, on the other hand, may indicate that an athlete could benefit from training that focuses on improving eccentric strength and control. In general, having good eccentric strength and control can help an athlete improve their overall performance and reduce their risk of injury.

Want To Find Out More About The Athletes Authority Performance Testing Experience?

We pride ourselves on having the most advanced athlete testing available in Australia. Watch the video to see our testing experience in action, and if you want to try it for yourself, reach out to us via our contact form and one of the team will be in touch.


Want the ultimate athlete performance testing experience? Click here to learn more.

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