Calf Raise (Deficit) - Increase ROM and build capacity of the gastrocnemius. Push through your big toe after the stretch at the bottom. Can be loaded if you easily reach the set/rep target.
The Chinese Plank develops capacity at the distal hamstring isometrically.
The Single-Leg Squat To Box develops unilateral strength while challenging hip and knee control. Make sure you avoid unloading your weight completely on the box.
Develop lateral power while concurrently improving single leg stability. Focus on pushing with your outside leg, not reaching with your inside.
The adductor hold (short lever) develops resilience and improves contralateral oblique stability. Ensure there is a distinct lowering of the hips between each rep.
The Terminal Knee Extension (otherwise known as the TKE) improves knee extension and builds awareness and capacity of the VMO.
Hip Abduction develops lateral hip strength in a common hip flexed, position while challenging the stance leg's stability.
This variation of the CMJ overloads the single-leg eccentrically during the landing while serving a dual purpose of developing the force production of your elastic tissues during the jump itself. As you gain confidence in this exercise, build the height of the jump.
The Calf Raise + Hip Abduction develops contralateral hip strength while simultaneously improving Gastroc- capacity. Just make sure you drive your knee into the ball hard.
This introductory hamstring option builds capacity in the distal attachment of the hamstrings.
Challenge multiple angles of hip and knee control on the stance leg. Ensure you avoid shifting too much weight onto the reaching leg.
Develop lateral power while concurrently challenging single leg stability. Make sure you drop your centre of mass upon ground contact to absorb the force appropriately.
The adductor hold (short lever) develops resilience and improves contralateral oblique stability.
This is a more challenging TKE option that will also challenge your hip control. Push stance leg hard into the ground and lift the opposite hip toward the ceiling.
Develops the abductors in multiple directions.
An introduction to single-leg plyometric options to set your achilles-calf complex up for success.
Develops single leg vertical power. Look for maximum height.
The nordic fall builds capacity in the proximal attachment of the hamstrings. Keep hips forward and ensure the shoulder-hip-knee relationship stays straight.
Challenges the hip and knee to stabilise in multiple directions and angles. Ensure you keep your weight over the stance leg.
This is a challenging single leg option that helps develop repeat single leg power. Unlike the hop and stick, this is where you want to reduce ground contact time as much as possible without form degrading.
This is a great option for adductor resilience & dynamic contralateral oblique stability.
This is the most challenging TKE option which will also take you into the triple extension position of your stance leg.
Develops hip abduction strength while simultaneously challenging the trunk's lateral chain.
A challenging single leg option that develops repeat single leg power.
This is a challenging single leg plyometric option that emphasises repeat power production.
Challenges the hip and knee to stabilise in multiple directions and angles. Ensure you keep your weight over the stance leg.
Challenges the hip and knee to stabilise in multiple directions and angles. Ensure you keep your weight over the stance leg.
This challenges proprioception while improving dynamic hip and knee control. Make sure the hips stay square and ensure your torso doesn't rotate.
The most challenging hip adduction exercise that simultaneously challenges the trunk's lateral chain.
Conditions the ligaments, tendons and muscles around the knee that stop forward tibial translation.
Challenges the lateral hip through a large range of motion.
Improves single leg force production after an overloaded eccentric. Don't spend too long on the ground but long enough to get good height.
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